Ovi on design and tech

Posts on UI/UX design, web tech, and product usability

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The landing page approach →

The indie web in action

My work on Indie Aisle: made for indie creators, based on indie web principles.

The micro guide to microformats

Why you should use microformats and some examples of how they work.

Pages indie creator theme →

5 core landing page techniques →

Simple stats →

Emails with landing pages →

AI needs better interfaces

Apple’s approach to AI is a step in the right direction for how we interact with generative AI.

Starter page boilerplate →

Blocks Edit for landing pages →

Form submit to email →

Starter email components theme →

Figuring out the best page container width

Using the CSS ch unit, and taking into account modern desktop screens.

The AI hype is about how we dream to interact with our tech

Getting the wrong idea of what AI can actually do because we’re trying too hard to put a human face on our devices.

Newsletter email essentials →

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